Study Permit

You will need a Student’s Pass if you want to enrol in full-time academic studies in Singapore. It is suggested that you speak with your chosen school or educational institution directly. The ICA must receive all Student’s Pass applications online at You will get a Registration Acknowledgement Letter from your school or institution, which will include a Student’s Pass application number you may use to submit your Student’s Pass application online.

PRC citizens over the age of 19 who want to enrol in a language, business, vocational, or fine arts non-graduate or postgraduate degree programme at an EduTrust Private Education Institution (PEI), including the University of London (UOL) tuition programmes, may need to appear in person for an interview at the embassy.

When you can travel to the Singapore

Candidates must bring the following paperwork to their Embassy interview for a Student’s Pass The applicant’s: the original, a translated and legalised copy, and a photocopy of the legalised copy.
birth certificate, highest academic achievement certificate, and highest educational certificate; bank and financial statements;
a study abroad plan that has been properly signed and date by the applicant;
both the original and a copy of the applicant’s, spouse’s, and parents’ identification:
PRC identity card; household register; employment statements; and, if relevant, letters from their employers.
pay history for the three months prior to the interview;
certificates of business registration (if self-employed);
original passport of the applicant and a photocopy of the biographical page;

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