Permanent Residency

Express Entry:

The government immigration system that handles skilled worker immigration petitions to Canada is called Express Entry. Candidates are judged via the Express Entry system according to criteria like age, education, work experience, and language ability. Your chances of receiving an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for PR will be increased with the assistance of our specialists as they walk you through every step of the Express Entry procedure, from creating a profile to submitting your application.

Express Entry is a competitive, points-based system that assigns individuals a ranking according to their age, education, language skills, job experience, and other characteristics.In order to qualify for Express Entry, candidates must first satisfy the requirements for one of the following programmes : FSW, FST and CAC. They must also fill up an online profile with their contact information, employment history, educational background, language skills, and any other pertinent information. Candidates are given a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score after completing their profiles, which is used to compare them to other applicants in the pool.

The top-scoring applicants are then asked to submit an application for permanent residency during routine Express Entry lotteries that are conducted by the government. In order to apply fully for permanent residency, candidates who get an invitation to apply (ITA) have 90 days to do so.

Express Entry is intended to manage immigration applications more quickly and effectively, with processing timeframes generally ranging from six to nine months. Being asked to submit an application for permanent residency is contingent on satisfying the qualifying requirements and earning a high CRS score, but it is also a very competitive system.The Express Entry system offers three alternative immigration programmes for gaining Canadian permanent residency: CEC, FST, and FSW. This is what they signify:


For foreign citizens with prior experience in skilled labour in Canada, there is a programme called the Canadian Experience Class (CEC). Candidates must fulfil the language proficiency and educational criteria as well as have at least one year of competent job experience in Canada to be eligible for this programme. Those who are currently in Canada on a work visa can move to permanent residency with the aid of the CEC programme.


The Federal Skilled Trades Programme (foreign nationals having expertise in a skilled trade) is an immigration programme. Candidates must fulfil the language proficiency standards, have an employment offer in Canada or a certificate of certification from a Canadian province or territory, and have at least two years of work experience in a skilled trade to be eligible for this programme. The FST programme is intended to assist in addressing Canada’s shortages in a few skilled trade vocations.


The Federal Skilled Worker Programme (also known as the FSW) is a programme for immigration for foreign nationals with skilled work experience who plan to reside and work in any Canadian province or territory other than Quebec. Applicants must have at least one year of continuous full-time or equivalent paid work experience in a skilled occupation and complete the program’s criteria for language competence, education, and work experience.

Provincial Nominee Program :

The Canada Provincial Nominee Programmes (PNPs) are immigration schemes that enable Canadian provinces and territories to recommend foreign people for Canadian permanent residency who are keen on establishing and working in their respective jurisdictions.
In Canada, each province and territory has its own PNP with unique qualifying standards, streams, and criteria. Some of the well-known PNPs include:

PNPs are a crucial route to permanent residency in Canada for skilled employees, graduates from abroad, and business owners. Candidates can obtain extra points in the Express Entry system and improve their prospects of being asked to apply for permanent residency by gaining a nomination from a province or territory. Candidates must be eligible for the particular programme in order to apply, and they must also show that they have the knowledge, expertise, and desire to live and work in the province or territory in question.
